Our conversations were just as crazy and as comfortable as before. All together a good sign. Then Brittany (aka britto, britt) and her soon to be hubby Justin (aka Drake) came and picked us up. There was a lot of screaming, jumping up and down and hugging and then we got into the car and had crazy and comfortable conversation yet again...although Drake had to be a jerk and say "Your IQ drops when you talk to these two" or something like that. Obviously he had forgotten/never experience how girls talk to each other when they are really excited/slap happy/haven't seen each other for a way too long period of time.
Any way the first night we went to universal studios city walk to kill some time and hang out with Justin's family a bit which was fun...and I think this city walk is way cooler than the one in Florida. There is way more to look at but whatev. Still love Florida and I still miss it...
Anyway after that we had to go home and go to bed cause we had a lot to do the next day! So what did we do? Me, man and britto went home to practice Britt's makeup for the wedding...so we did..and it was fun...and then we started playing with it a little more and did man's makeup...then they did mine...then britt's sister and cousin who are 13 came in and joined us. And then Britt's dad caught is in the scariest makeup of our lives. It was like we were 12 again, pouring over a fashion magazine with horrendous makeup. It was really fun though and we laughed a lot like always.
Next day we went to the wedding brunch with all the girls of the wedding party. (the boys went golfing) that was a good time. I recommend #74 with the mixed fruit and sourdough toast.
Then the bridesmaids went off to get our nails done =) yay it felt so good. And we looked good too.
After that we hung out a little and then had the family dinner which was quite yummy and roasted Brit and Justin haha. Me and Manda were so kind. We didn't spill the beans on Britt and how she didn't know what Family Jewels meant when we were randomly perusing the dictionary and she said the term really loud in front of our Sunday company. THAT was funny...but we were nice and didn't share..sorry Britt- story's out.
After that we all went to bed and got ready for the wedding! It was a beautiful day of smiles, pretty dresses and flowers, lots of love, sometimes lots of spiders...yikes...food, beautiful weather, laughs, hugs etc.
The reception was amazing and Britto's and Drake's family were both so kind and friendly, it was a blast.
When they were getting ready to leave me and Man ran to find Britt to give our last hugs and like the idiots we are we all broke down crying in the hallway. Dang you Britt. But we recovered like pros =) yup forever friends.
It was such a fun and great weekend and Brittany was absolutely beautiful. It was so good to see her and Manda after so long. I missed them so much and miss them again already!
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