[tid-bit] –noun 1. a choice or pleasing bit of anything

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No, I Will Not Be a Member of Your Stupid Group

BYU-I looooooves group work. Good for you. That is totally fine to let us teach one another and prepare us for the “real world” where supposedly we will have to work with people that we don’t like.  But…wait, in real life you get to make sure the people you work with are qualified; you get to fire people in real life. Well, Group 10, I FIRE YOU! …BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED.

I hate group work. Very, very rarely do you get a group in which everyone in your group is committed and sane. Unfortunately for my group this semester, this does not seem to be the case. Great.

I am not going to babysit you Group 10. That is not my job. I am only group leader for this week. Next week it will be one of you peons…and if I didn’t care about my grade (like you) I would not do my part and make it as difficult as possible for you (like you did for me) but maybe I wouldn’t because I have been there and it sucks to be in that position.

The instructions were simple.  Our instructor and myself made them very clear and easy to follow. If you had questions, well, you didn’t ask. I even sent out reminders. How did you graduate high school?

Be a little more self reliant. Not only for my sake or the sake of Group 10, but for your own. Do you want to seem/be pathetic for the rest of your existence?


I am sorry that my remarks are harsh but, I don’t like Group 10.


  1. Oh snap, I totally feel you on that one chica... Sorry girl. Just give Group 10 one of your mean looks. That will make them behave. Any maybe wet themselves. Props to you. Props.
